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How do I update my company's IBAN in Montonio Partner System
How do I update my company's IBAN in Montonio Partner System

Where can I change my IBAN? How can I change my IBAN?

Laura from Montonio avatar
Written by Laura from Montonio
Updated over a week ago

How do I change my bank account number (IBAN) in the Montonio Partner System?

If the bank account that belongs to your company has changed and you want to update it in our Partner System:

  • To change your company's IBAN account just send a free-form application, signed by a member of the Management Board to our chat in the bottom right corner or to [email protected]

  • Please remember that the IBAN account you use must belong to the same company you signed up with.

However, if you also need to change the account holder's name or if the account belongs to a different company, please register again.

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