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Montonio for Magento 1.9
Montonio for Magento 1.9

Instructions on how to integrate Montonio for Magento 1.9

Darja avatar
Written by Darja
Updated over 10 months ago

Montonio provides the Magento 1.9 plugin as a compressed zip archive for our partners to install manually. Installation is analogous to other Magento 1 module installations.

1. Installing the Module

Step 1: Extract all files contained within the ZIP-file to your local computer. Copy all the files and folders recursively to Magento. Or merge copy folders to their locations.

Step 2: Disable the Magento Compiler

Step 3: Upload all files to the Magento root-filesystem. Make sure folders are merged and not overwritten.

Step 4: Refresh the Magento cache

Step 5: Logout and log in again to the Magento backend

Step 6: Re-enable the Magento Compiler (if disabled on step 2)

2. Configuration

2.1. Finding Montonio’s Payment Methods

After successfully installing the module please head to your admin panel to complete the setup.

From the navigation bar, go to System > Configuration.

Then, from the sidebar, click on “Payment Methods”.

There will be two new payment methods: “Montonio Financing” and “Montonio Payments”.

2.2. Configuring Montonio Payments

To use Montonio’s payment solution, find Montonio Payments from the list of payment methods.

To use Montonio Payments in a test environment with mock payments, choose “Sandbox” as the environment. For live payments select “Production”.

For either the sandbox or the production environment, input your Access Key and Secret Key. API keys can be found in our Partner System Read more here: How to find API keys for integration.

Click on “Save Config” in the top-right of the page to save the configuration.

2.2.1 Displaying the List of Banks in the Checkout

To display the list of available banks in your checkout, first enter keys for either environment and save the settings. The module then fetches the banks that are available to you and displays them in the configuration page. You can then choose to enable or disable each bank and change their default settings.

Banks are grouped by country and are displayed to the customer based on their selected shipping country. Methods that are available in all countries (such as card payments) will be shown separately and displayed in the checkout regardless of the selected shipping country.

We recommend using the default Title and Logo URL field values and leave the Description field empty.

If you want to group all methods together, set “Group methods in frontend” to “Yes”. The customer will then choose their bank in Montonio’s interface. We recommend setting this to “No” so that the customer would choose the bank in your checkout.

Sometimes Montonio updates the list of available banks. To get the newest list, just update the method’s settings and an updated list will be downloaded from our API.

If you use the Sandbox environment for testing and then choose to switch to

Production, make sure to save the settings again to get the list of banks in Production.

Since Sandbox and Production banks can differ, it is important to refresh the list and check the settings for each bank after changing the environment.

2.3. Configuring Montonio Financing

To use Montonio’s financing solution, find Montonio Financing from the list of payment methods.

To use Montonio Financing in a test environment with mock offers, select the option to allow payments through Sandbox API. For live integration, make sure this option is set to “No”.

For either the sandbox or the production environment, input your Access Key and Secret Key. API keys can be found in the Partner System. Read more here: How to find API keys for integration.

Click on “Save Config” in the top-right of the page to save the configuration.

2.3.1. Setting up Montonio Financing as a whitelabel solution

To use Montonio Financing as a white label solution (use your own logo, remove references to Montonio) if it is agreed upon between your company and Montonio, make sure to follow these steps:

  • change the title (e.g “Montonio Financing” -> “My Company Financing”)

  • optionally, change the description to your liking

  • setup your checkout logo

  • if you don’t want to use your own logo, make sure “Show logo in checkout” is set to “No”

  • otherwise, upload your logo in the “Logo in checkout” option

  • Save Config (top-right corner of the page)

2.3.2. Configuring Minimum and Maximum order totals

You can configure the minimum and maximum cart totals for displaying the financing option. If the total price of a cart falls outside of the range, the financing method will not be displayed to the customer. We recommend setting the minimum and maximum values to 50 and 15 000 respectively.

2.3.3. Setting Up the Montonio monthly estimate widget

To set up the widget that shows a monthly payment estimate on a product page, follow the steps below.

1. First, head to the Magento Admin Panel and go to the Widgets section which can be found on the navigation bar under CMS.

2. Click on “Add New Widget Instance” on the top-right part of the page.

3. Select “Montonio Monthly Estimate” as the Type of the widget and make sure to pick the theme currently in use on your store.

4. Fill out the title, store view, and sort order.

5. Press "Add Layout Update" and configure where to display the widget.

6. Enable the widget from under "Widget Options" on the sidebar.

7. Setup “Estimate text” for Store View if you need localization for different languages, the info page, and logo URL if using a white label solution.

8. Clear cache (Important!)

After setting up, the Montonio Monthly Estimate Widget will show up on the product screen.

2.4. Localizing the module for different languages

To translate texts into other languages (e.g if your store has multiple language options), then follow the steps below:

1. Select your Store Configuration for the language from the top-left corner of the page.

2. Deselect “Use Website” for the fields to translate (usually Title and Description) and replace the text. Then press on “Save Config” to save changes.

3. Clearing cache

After installing and configuring the plugin, flush Magento cache. This can be done under System -> Cache Management.

If you have additional questions and need our help, feel free to contact our support team via chat in the bottom right corner.

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