Generating Payment links

You can effortlessly generate payment links on demand within our partner system.

Laura from Montonio avatar
Written by Laura from Montonio
Updated over a week ago

If you need to request additional payments from a customer in the Montonio Partner System, you can generate a payment link on demand. This article outlines the steps to generate a payment link and important details to keep in mind.

Steps to Generate a Payment Link:

  1. Go to the "Payments" page in Partner System

  2. Click the "Create payment link" button located at the top right of the page

  3. If you wish, turn on notifications to receive an email when the payment is received.

  4. Ensure that all the information is correct.

  5. Click the "Create" button.

  6. Copy the link and send it to the customer in a format that suits you both.

When the customer clicks on the link, the Montonio module will open, and they can choose the bank that suits them and make the payment. Please note that the generated payment link is unique and can be used only once, for a specific customer to make a unique payment.

Important Details to Keep in Mind:

  • Ensure that the payment sum is written as 49.50 (with a decimal point) and not as 49,50, as this may result in an error.

  • The generated payment link can only be used once by one customer.

  • Notifications can be turned on to receive an email when the payment is received.

If you have additional questions and need our help, feel free to contact our support team via the chat in the bottom right corner.

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